Due to numerous requests, the paper submission deadline is extended as shown below. Authors who have submitted their papers in response to earlier announcements, will receive the decision/status report of their papers according to the original announced dates.
Authors who have already received a decision on their papers are to follow the instructions and the deadlines that appeared in the notification that they have already received.
June 10, 2023: Submission of papers:
https://american-cse.org/drafts/ - Short Research Papers (max of 5 pages)
- Abstract/Poster Papers (max of 3 pages)
Information about the type of papers:
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/paper_categoriesNOTIFICATION: Revolving Date: Notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed about 7 days after the submission date.
FINAL PAPERS: Revolving Date: Due Date for uploading the final manuscripts to the IEEE CPS publication portal will appear in the notification that will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
REGISTRATION: Revolving Date: The deadline will appear in the notifications that will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
Online Registration System:
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/registrationJune 21, 2023: Hotel Reservation & Information: Online:
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/venueJune 30, 2023: Please email your presentation option to the Congress. OPTIONS:
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/presentation_modes This year's Congress will be a hybrid event that combines a "live" in-person event with a "virtual" online component. We anticipate that most speakers will physically be attending (ie, most talks are expected to be face-to-face).
July 24-27, 2023: The 2023 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'23: USA)
Including all affiliated federated/joint conferences
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/conferences https://www.american-cse.org/csce2023/This year's Congress will be a hybrid event that combines a "live" in-person event with a "virtual" online component. We anticipate that most speakers will physically be attending (ie, most talks are expected to be face-to-face). Refer to the link below for presentation options:
https://american-cse.org/csce2023/presentation_modesCONTACT: Questions and inquiries should be sent to:
CSCE'23 Conference Secretariat: