CSCI 2024
The 2024 International Conference on
Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI)
December 11-13, 2024, Las Vegas, USA
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Software Architectures
- Software Design and Design Patterns
- Architectural Analysis and Verifications Methods
- Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools
- Software Reliability, Safety and Security Methods
- Software Reuse and Component-Based Software Engineering
- Agile Software Engineering and Development
- Object Oriented Technology (Design and Analysis)
- Software Metrics
- Software Assurance and Dependability
- Reverse and Architectural Recovery Methods
- Domain Specific Software Engineering
- Aerospace Software and System Engineering
- Survivable Systems
- Engineering of Safety/Mission Critical Systems
- Software Testing, Evaluation and Analysis Technologies
- Workflow Management - Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
- Project Management Issues
- Real-time Embedded Software Engineering
- Theoretic Approaches (Formal Methods, Graph, ...)
- Domain Modeling and Meta-modeling
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Component Based Software Engineering
- Software Engineering Standards and Guidelines
- Intelligent CASE Tools and Eclipse Plug-ins Issues
- Usability Engineering
- Novel Software Tools and Environments
- Pervasive Software Engineering
- Requirement Engineering and Processes
- Critical and Embedded Software Design
- Service Oriented Software Architectures
- Service Oriented Requirements Engineering
- Middleware for Service Based Systems
- Software Product Lines
- Semantic Web
- Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering
- Model Based Software Engineering
- Aspect Oriented Software Engineering
- Agent Architectures, Ontologies, Languages and Protocols
- Multi-Agent Systems, Mobile Agents
- E-Commerce Solutions and Applications
- Programming Languages and Compilers
- Autonomic Computing and Adaptive Systems
- Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering
- Tutoring, Documentation Systems
- Web-Based Tools, Applications and Environment
- Web and Text Mining
- Case Studies and Emerging Technologies