Research Track on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (CSCI-RTHI)

All accepted papers of all Research Tracks will be published by Conference Publishing Services, CPS as part of the proceedings of The 2022 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'22).
Past conference proceedings can be accessed via IEEE Xplore Digital Library at:

Volume I (2014)
Volume II (2014)
Volume (2015)
Volume (2016)
Volume (2017)
Volume (2018)
Volume (2019)
Volume (2020)
Volume (2021)
All CSCI Proceedings

Since its inception, all CSCI proceedings have always been approved and included into IEEE Xplore indexation/digital-library citation databases. The proceedings of CSCI have also been included in other major citation index systems (including, Ei Compendex,; Scopus,, IEEE Xplore, and others). Content of CSCI 2022 will be submitted to the indexing companies for possible indexing.
Scope & Topics
Health Informatics and Medical Systems is an important area that is at the intersection of information science, computer science, social science, behavioral science and health care. This field is mainly concerned with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, processing and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics is driven by computers, information and communication systems. It is a multi-disciplinary field that covers a wide spectrum of sub-fields. It combines the problem solving skills of computer scientists with health care professionals and health care givers. The list of topics of interest that appears below is by no means exhaustive:

- Information Technologies for Healthcare Delivery and Management
- Health Data Acquisition, Management and Visualization
- Healthcare Knowledge Management and Decision Support
- Healthcare Modeling and Simulation
- Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Health Information Systems
- Clinical Informatics
- Integrated Data Repository
- Computational Health Informatics
- Community Health Informatics
- Informatics for Education & Research in Health and Medicine
- Imaging Science
- Collaboration tools such as social media, web apps, patient education
- Healthcare Communication Networks and Environments
- Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
- Computer-Aided Surgery
- Computers in Medical Education
- Haptics in Healthcare
- Health Care Information Systems
- Implant Technology and Systems
- Interactive 3-D Models
- Medical Physics
- Neural, Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation
- Patient Diagnosis Methods
- Patient Monitoring Systems
- Regenerative Medicine
- Systems Physiology
- Telemedicine
- Therapeutic Engineering and Systems
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