Update about the publications:

The publication of CSCE 2021 proceedings have been delayed. In recent years, the CSCE books have always been released/published during the month of April (about 9 months after the conference dates); ie, for year 2021, it was planned to have the books made available in June 2022.

Unfortunately, there has been about an 18-month delay for over 1000 books (including ours). All accepted papers for year 2021 were to go through an elaborate publication process which included English Editing; the company that is subcontracted to do this (English Editing) has had disruptions due to mandated closures in New York (due to the pandemic). When they re-opened their offices, they started operating at 30% capacity (due to many staff members not returning to work - children's schools were closed and thus many parents had to stay home looking after their children). This created a multi-year back-log.
In addition, many authors had uploaded their final versions of their papers during the month of December (due to sickness, university closures, not having access to their students to revise their papers, ...).

We should also add that the publication of many other major conferences (archival/indexed books) were also delayed by about two years (their 2020 and some of 2021 sets were indexed just in recent months).

The pandemic did impact over 1000 books, including ours. The good news is that the workflow is getting back to normal. We do anticipate that the books will be ready during the month of June (however, we cannot guarantee the exact date. But we do guarantee that the books will be published.

Authors can still cite their CSCE 2021 papers in their future publications by uploading them to the Cornell University repository (arXiv) - when the books are published, citation record to the repository is automatically transferred to the actual publication. For an example, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02868

Publication & Indexing

ALL ACCEPTED PAPERS will be published in the corresponding proceedings by Publisher:
Springer Nature - Book Series: Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence

Like prior years, the proceedings/books of CSCE 2021 will be published a few months after the conference. The books are scheduled for publication during the months of December/January (like prior years). It should be noted that these books are considered to be major publications: each paper goes through English editing + checking the availability of all citations + making sure that all figures and tables are cited correctly with the correct captions, ... Authors will be informed as soon as the books become available.

To submit your paper for evaluation, refer to: https://american-cse.org/

See the web link below for a small subset of publications based on papers accepted in the CSCE proceedings: many of these books and journal special issues have already received the top 25% downloads in their respective fields and/or identified as "Highly Accessed" by publishers and/or science citation index trackers.
Special Issues

Citation Data

HIGHLY CITED PAPERS (a small subset)

The list below includes a small subset of papers published based on the proceedings of this congress. These papers have received a high citation by others in their respective fields. Data extracted from Google Scholar is shown below - however, the citation data is about 10% higher than shown per Microsoft Academic Search engines:

755 citations to: QoS Support in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
Dazhi Chen, Pramod K. Varshney

852 citations to: A Survey of Face Recognition Techniques (Extended)
Rabia Jafri, Hamid R. Arabnia

737 citations to: Energy-efficient Management of Data Center Resources for Cloud Computing: A vision, architectural elements, and open challenges
Rajkumar Buyya, Anton Beloglazov, Jemal H. Abawajy

778 citations to: The Class Imbalance Problem: Significance and Strategies
Nathalie Japkowicz

416 citations to: An Economy Driven Resource Management Architecture for Global Computational Power Grids
Rajkumar Buyya, David Abramson, Jonathan Giddy

417 citations to: Adapting Particle Swarm Optimization to Dynamic Environments
Anthony Jack Carlisle, Gerry V. Dozier

383 citations to: Prevention of Cooperative Black Hole Attack in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Sanjay Ramaswamy, Huirong Fu, Manohar Sreekantaradhya, John Dixon, Kendall E. Nygard

364 citations to: An Indoor Bluetooth-Based Positioning System: Concept, Implementation and Experimental Evaluation
Silke Feldmann, Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Ana Zapater, Zighuo Lue

247 citations to: Building a Sensor Ontology: A Practical Approach Leveraging ISO and OGC Models
David J. Russomanno, Cartik R. Kothari, Omoju A. Thomas

216 citations to: A Deadline and Budget Constrained Cost-Time Optimisation Algorithm for Scheduling Task Farming Applications on Global Grids
Rajkumar Buyya, M. Manzur Murshed

226 citations to: Runtime Assurance Based On Formal Specifications
Insup Lee, Sampath Kannan, Moonjoo Kim, Oleg Sokolsky, Mahesh Viswanathan

227 citations to: Folk Music Classification Using Hidden Markov Models
Wei Koong Chai, Barry L. Vercoe

189 citations to: MPEG Video Encryption in Real-time Using Secret Key Cryptography
Changgui Shi, Sheng-Yih Wang, Bharat K. Bhargava

185 citations to: Alchemi: A .NET-based Enterprise Grid Computing System
Akshay Luther, Rajkumar Buyya, Rajiv Ranjan, Srikumar Venugopal

173 citations to: Towards Realistic Million-Node Internet Simulation
James H. Cowie, Hongbo Liu, Jason Liu, David M. Nicol, Andrew T. Ogielski

162 citations to: Bayesian Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
Jiajun Gu, Jun S. Liu

There are over 485 other papers published by the congress that have received citations above 50.

As of December 30, 2020, the proceedings of the World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE) have received 33,480 citations (includes 3,720 self-citations). Citation data is obtained from Microsoft Academic Search. The citation data does not even include more than 18,000 other citations to papers published by conferences whose first offerings were initiated by the Congress. The paper acceptance rate for each track has been between 19% and 25% with about 17% of the remaining papers accepted as posters. All such information is published in the printed conference books/proceedings. As of December 30, 2020, there has been 598,500 book chapter/paper downloads from the books published based on the CSCE publications.
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